Christianity Is A Slave Programming Mentality Religion.
Walls of Challenge part 2 (religious challenges).
Religion, according to Merrian Webster, is an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods. So like any other religious groups, Christianity is a religion/ Cult.Christianity is most definitely the top of the list in black culture and has for the longest time been prioritized in black households.God first then everything will follow. Firstly let me point out that I love and Acknowledge God. I know there is a superior being, I mean look around you, there sure is a mastermind being all this magnificent creation. And no,I'm not an atheist, but I've since stopped referring to myself as a”Christian” after I did my research on the origins of Christianity, And with all this enlightenment I have, it has since been difficult for me to go to church. I used to feel guilty if I skipped a Sunday, I'd feel unholy, my goodness, as though I'd go to hell.
I bet you want to know what I do on Sundays now, lol well I mostly go to charity shops and books stores and do some antique and book collection. So relaxed and chilled.I was raised under the same religion and I then grew to question it based on the series of events that occur and thereafter, the outcomes. According to my knowledge based on my research, Christianity originated around 30-34 AD, of which the earlier writings that existed then, were the letters of Paul, and several of those letters were forgeries, only seven letters were authentic and they written around 50 AD. It is after 40 years that the ”Gospels”started appearing after Christianity began. I hope we still together. Paul's letters were written years after Christianity began and the Gospels in the Bible, appeared years later since the religion started.
So what were their beliefs based on before that? I'm as clueless as you are.The first time Christianity is heard of is from someone who was non- Christian, Pliny the Younger, through his letters.He was the Roman emperor governing Bethinia,what is now called Northern Turkey. Someone had published a list of Christians denouncing them, and he didn't know what to do about that. He then wrote back to the emperor and outlined that he knew nothing about Christians and what they believed in. After that, that's when the New Testament got completed and put together as a collection of books. Already these gospels had existed 30- 50 years before Pliny The Younger’s letter.This gets more interesting because come to think of it, Pliny The Younger had been senator for 25 years, he was the chief of police at Rome, he was the attorney general for the whole empire, he was co- President of all the provinces and state governor a multiple times, that's the highest rank a person could have.
If there was anybody to know about Christians in the roman empire, it should have been him .He knew absolutely nothing about their beliefs, their gatherings and what crimes they committed and had not committed. Even as late as 110 AD, for a religion that began in the 30’s AD, no one knew of Christians. They were relatively a small group, and ordinary people outside the movement, knew nothing about them. That is after 75 years of evangelizing the religion across three continents. A religion that small and unknown could have changed in all kinds of ways in that space of time without anyone knowing about the movement and knowing about those kind of changes. It was only during the decline and fall of the Roman Empire that Christianity became popular, and it only took off and dominated the population after the first emperor who converted to Christianity, after Pliny The Younger,and almost all the emperors after him, were Christians as well. So that’s how the religion became popular, now the question is how it came to Africa.
In the 1800s Africa was a thriving continent, they were a developing continent, very productive and efficient, rich in natural resources and were heading to a different direction than the rest of the world. It is during that time that the westerners came to Africa in search of mineral resources, after they had discovered that Africa was rich in those resources than the rest of the world. And they further discovered more. So they orchestrated a plan to probe Africa to shift from its spiritual paths that they had already mastered and familiarized themselves with. Those principles had worked for Africans and they were grounded and rooted in them. That is when Christianity was introduced, of which I now call, A Slave Mentality Programming Religion. It had Our people drift from their own spiritual roots and abandoned all the paths they had adopted, and which had in the past given them great success.
Since Africans adopted the western school of thought of the unseen world, it was to foreign and complicated, hence it was difficult to fathom. Africans struggled to understand this new belief that the westerners had to come back to explain( teach/preach) these beliefs in the name of ”missionaries”, which then led to Africa surrendering her wealth and natural resources. Through this religion, we were crippled daily. Africa now had a different perspective to life, they started to live in hope and faith,hoping that someone does something for them, from education, to health, even governing. Africa began seeing itself through the lenses of the westerners.And later on, when Africa had adopted the religion’s system, the Western countries shut down and brought laws against the religion in their own countries. Prayer was forbidden at their schools, yet accepted in African schools.The religion was banished in their schools, yet still practiced in the African school to date. All because they figured it prevented kids from progressing and being open minded to new knowledge. Today the West is a thriving continent, leading in all aspects, while Africa is busy building huge churches full of poor Africans with nothing but hope and faith.
- Richard Carrier
- Xolane Mathaba
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good piece of writing Zama. We really need to have these conversations as black people. We are always told God is the answer, what is the question then?