Stop telling me how to live my life.
”ok that's enough, this is your last drink, look at you, you can barely stand on one leg. We had this conversation, I don't know how many times I should tell you that you taking this way too far. “No Lulnug stop telling me what I shouldn't and should do, how about you shuv those comments down your throat”. “But liyar,I told you it was a bad idea to leave the house, look at how miserable you are now,what about your session tomorrow? ”, asked Lulnug. “Come on lulnug, you need to take a chill pill, you can be extra with your expectations, lets just have a good time, just this once. Give me a break“. she annoyingly responded.
Liyah always set her alarm for 4am, every morning, She liked to start her day off with some tranquillity, meditation and a bit of reading, then coffee ,but not that morning, Lulnug was the first to wake up, and just start talking, she would go on and on, she never shut up, sometimes Liyah wished she was never around, maybe she’d have a sense of peace in her life. That morning, Liya felt like she had been hit by a train on a subway and left to die on the rail like a homeless dog.Her head was pounding , ”I should have listened to Lulnug, I want to stay in bed forever”. She exclaimed. Liyah lost her job, because of her illness, after she scared the shit out of one big client. Now what keeps her sane is her art work. She would express the severity of her pain through her paintings daily. Getting out of the house had become such a mission for her." Come on shit head, remember your meeting with your therapist at 12 today, Your Thursday visits to granny at the hospital. You need to get up right this minute.” Lulnug suggested.“Ok fine, Lulnug I'll check in a bit late I need to sleep a bit more, or I can just call Doctor Luzi and schedule for onether session”. She responded. Lulnug was her constant companion, they were born together, she never left her sight, they were constantly at loggerheads, she never gave her a break.
“Liyah, have you noticed that you’ve put up so much weight with all the junk and take outs you've been eating, what kind of sane man would be attracted to that?,Take off that jean, it's just too tight on you, look at those love handles flapping out on your weist. Why do you want to look sexy everytime you go for your therapy sessions anyway? I've always suspected you had your eye on that light tall muscular guy who attends sessions too. His there because he has issues like you do, dismiss those thoughts, it will never work out between you too,trust me”. Said Lulnug ”But his a nice guy, and his vegan, he loves classic jazz, imagine the jazz concerts will be attending, the candle light dinners, I can already see us on our honey moon in milan, right Lulnug? Sounds like a happy ending, doesn't it?”
”From our last session, I must commend you, there is tremendous improvement,have you completed the task I assigned you to do?”. Asked Doctor Luzi.”Thank you doctor Luzi, I took your instructions and my halucinations have since subsided, but the sleep walking hasn't stopped. ”liar, liah” added Lulnug, as she snickerd in the background. ”last night I woke up in my shower, with his picture on my hand”. Liyah added“. ”the medication I will prescibe today will help with that, it will take about a week for the sleepwalking to stop, make sure you take those pills everyday ” said Doctor Luzi . ”Do you still see you imaginary friend Liyah?,You still look frightened, remember, the main goal is not to entertain her,no one can see her Liyar, I can't either, she is all in your head keep that in mind. ”she said looking concerned “but.... But Lulnug”. ”There is no Lulnug, she doesn't exists Liyar” replied Doctor Luzi.
”Liyar come on are you going to entertain this retarded therapist or you will soon acknowledge my presence, look around you, I am real, I'm a complete person. I will help you, Steven is waiting for you, I want to take you to him.You need to listen to me. Listen you don't need this stupid therapy session, we need to hurry before its too late, I just saw your crush walk in. How about you go ask him out for dinner”. ”infact, tell Doctor Luzi you no longer need her services and that you will figure yourself out, don't worry I'm here to help you“.
”but Doc, Lulnug is sitting right beside that wooden table, behind you,can't you see her, she’s right there, I'm not crazy, I know what I'm talking about, she is taking me to Steven, his alive, his waiting for me, I think I'm done with this place, I'm done with your stupid medication and I'm done with your useless exercises, come on Lulnug, lets get out of here, this is ridiculous.” replied Liyar,showing signs of anger, as she dashed out the door. “I'm trying to help you Liyar, you need help. Fighting your sickness will only worsen it. It's too bad the one person who can talk you to doing therapy is your grandmother, you are also the one person who got her in that position in the first place”. Said Doctor Luzi.“you have no right meddling in my personal business, I wasn't paying you to stick your nose on what is not off your concern. Now if you will excuse me, I have better things to do” Liyar exclaimed .Lulnug and Liyah were already making their way across the the hallway that time, Gushing towards the main entrance. Only to set her eyes on her crush, Azil. Her knees, became week instantly, her eyes fixed on his dashing bold eyes.
His wearing a slim fit demin shirt, khaki pants and grey sandals.His bold shoulders tightly hugged by his shirt, he looked like a man’s health cover model.She’s hooked.If she hadn't bummed her head on the sliding glass door on her way out, he wouldn't have noticed her.She made such a loud banging noise, everybody in the reception area got distracted.Now Look at his hand on her forehead rubbing her with an ice cloth. “ Are you sure you gonna be ok?, should I call an ambulance?you look frightened , ” he suggested. “I think I'll be fine, it's not that bad, Lulnug will take care of me at home,thank you for your kind gesture”, She said as she was getting up to leave. ” You are welcome, I'm Azil by the way, I hope I get to see you next time, if you don't mind me asking, could we go out for coffee sometime?”. Asked Azil. ” Sure, i’d love that, I'm Liyar.” introducing hereelf.
After the death of her husband about a year ago, Liya completely lost it. It was the day of her inauguration when her husband died. It was in winter, July 4th. Steven had gone to the flourist to buy her flowers before the actually event. Everything seemed normal and perfect with him before he left until she received a call that would chance her life forever. When the phone rang, she quickly ran downstairs to answer it with such excitement, she had been waiting for a call from her grandmother that day, to confirm if she was going to make it to the ceremony. “Granny, why did it take you so long to get back to me, the ceremony starts in 2hours”, said Liyah. ” Excuse me Mam, I'm detective Rod, Am I speaking to Liyar Drew?” he asked. ”yes this is Liyah, how may I help you Sir? ” she said with an astonished face. ”I am calling from the police station, can you come down to the station immediately, something tragic has happened, we want you to help us identify a body”. He added. Liyah just hanged up her phone without responding any further. On her way there, her one thought was, something terrible had happened to her sweet granny.
On his way back from the flourish,Steven’s car hit a pole and caught fire, the roads were slippery he must have been driving beyond speed limit to avoid being late for his wifes inauguration ceremony. He couldn't escape, his sitbelt got stuck.He burnt until the fire truck managed to put out the blazing fire.The story made headlines the nextmorning. Steven was the city mayor. The news spread all over town,from TV, to radio, by passers, in supermarkets, and published media, it was every where. Liyar went into a depression, she isolated herself from the world, and after the funeral she locked herself in her house and let no one visit her.That is when the hallucinations started. That is when she started seeing people that were not real, including Lulnug. She got into a fight with her grandmother after she had managed to get in the house and tried to talk her into getting help, she mistakenky pushed her down the stairs, which is how she ended on a hospital bed. Liyah soon contacted a therapist and had recently started going. She soon became indenial about her husband’s death after he had been dead for a year, when she started entertaining Lulnug.
”Liyar, the only way to get to Steven is that you jump off that balcony, you will get the freedom you’ve always been longing for, we will jump together, I'll hold your hand” Lulnug suggested. ”Steven will be happy to see me, right? will live happily together with no one bothering us, with no doctor Luzi pestering me and giving me pills I don't need.” Liyah added.Liyar daringly climbed the stairs, with so much zeal and confidence, happy that she will finally reunite with her husband,holding Lulnugs hand, to the balcony where she stood there ready to jump. ” Stop, Liyah, Stop, what are you doing?”, shouted Azil. “Lulnug, wait that looks like Azil” looking surprised. ”No, ignore him, Steven is waiting, Azil wants to derail our journey, ignore him.” Lulnug said as she was about to jump.
That fateful day was the day Liyah had scheduled to have coffee with Azil, Azil stood by the long black gate, that faced the balcony where Liyah was standing, as He watched Liyah jump of from a three story balcony and hitting the ground with her head, causing a fracture in her skull. That was the end of her misery. When the police were taking a statement from Azil, he added that Liyah looked as if she was holding someones hand, it was as though she was having an actual conversation with someone. Liyah died at age 27, after refusing to get the help she needed. She died believing that lulnug was real and that she wanted to take her to Steven, when the actual truth was, Lulnug was an illusion, she was in her head.
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