"Trash to Recycled"
Men are trash.
Men are trash
Such a familiar phrase isn’t it? It’s been uttered over a billion times.
Men are Rapists.
Men are violent ,Men are Cheaters.
Men are irresponsible ,Men are Players.
Men are idiots,Men are dogs.
Men are trash.
Men are trash.
Such a familiar phrase isn’t it? It’s been uttered over a billion times.
Men are Rapists.
Men are violent ,Men are Cheaters.
Men are irresponsible ,Men are Players.
Men are idiots,Men are dogs.
I can go on and on, and on.So much hate against Men, so much negative talk around Men,so many unions formed to protest against Men. Globally, what spreads like wildfire is protests against Men. The United Nations sets a day globally to raise awareness of and to protest violence against Women. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a good course, I suppose.it’s the term “Against” that just doesn’t seem to sit well.Much of what the universe receives is what it gives back. That list above is what it gets all the time, and you ask yourself why violence against women only gets worse.So much of it ,is spiritual. The more you talk about something wether negative or positive, is the more you ignite it. It’s the more you give it power.
We need to recycle our thinking patterns. It’s trash thoughts that we have against Men.
The world hoping that Men change by constantly protesting against them is more like adding petrol to what already is a blazing fire. Truth is, we don’t have to talk about what we are against. “As a men thinketh so is he”. We think Ill of Men, speak ill of what they do wrong ,so we should not act surprised when their actions are retaliated in that manner . Life and death lies in the power of the tongue. We create with our Words. Words are Powerful.They build or destroy, that’s it. What you speak , so you are. You need to understand the power of the words that are uttered from your mouth before you say a word.
We are destroying our MEN by what we say about them. It’s a pity how they are in defense mode when having such conversations .” No, not all men are like that” “We are not the same” “ Women hurt us too” “ it’s the way I was brought up”.We will not get the change in moral behavior from Men as long as most protests are against them.We criticize men of their moral behavior, more than we celebrate them. Men deserve to be celebrated, they deserve a “ MENS” day. Since we are saying men are trash, let us unite in recycling them.These Men are broken, according to society A Man should be strong, he is weak if he cries, he is weak if he talks about his problems, he is not Man enough if his not financially stable, he is a weak Man if he stays at home with his Parents.He is a weak Man if his uneducated.Yes
they have hurt Women, multiple times, in fact they do it everyday, It is unacceptable and Those Women deserve justice.
they have hurt Women, multiple times, in fact they do it everyday, It is unacceptable and Those Women deserve justice.
Despite the grievances they have caused, they are still important members of our society.Surely the good that Men do, their contributions to our society out number the bad.They still play an important role in our households. They have traits that women don’t posses. Their strength holds us together. Men should be celebrated. We should march in celebratory manner, honoring Men. Speak Positive about Men.
Acknowledge their contributions. How about we try that? Surely it should make things better. We all are trash and need recycling. So let us focus on recycling Men instead of these fights against them. Focus on The recycling journey. Forgiveness and a way forward.
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