Understanding the Universe
So often before we can believe anything, we want evidence that can be seen and grabbed with our hands, society automatically rejects any idea that cannot be systematically proven.I grew up knowing that “God”and the “universe”are completely separate, Actually what I knew of the universe was that its just trees, animals and mountains, and we have absolutely nothing in common except that ,as we were told Man were given dominion over it, I still haven’t yet come to depth of what it really means to have dominion over nature, I’ve never been able to pet a lion and not fear for my life .That’s a discussion for another day, because with that too, really I’ve been fed with ideologies of one particular scripture that someone interpreted in a way that made sense to them.Come to think of it, out of the entire book of genesis as far as I can remember, it’s a few scriptures that are interpreted ,why read from the first verse then jump a couple verses to get to the one that makes more sense, and ignore the rest, does that mean they don’t have meaning? Or we are just oblivious? Like I said it’s a discussion for another day.
The truth of the matter is,you can’t separate Men, God and the Universe. The intelligence that created all these wonderful things about the universe, is the same force that created you.We are all one. For the purpose of this discussion, I will refer to everything as the Universe. Think of it this way, we all go by different birth names right, at school you might be know by another name and at home by a different name,but you know they are still referring to you , so is how I choose to refer To God, or you.
What do you know about the universe? You strongly believe God created it in 7 days, according to humans understanding, in 168 hours to be precise, don’t you? I beg to differ, It can’t be, if there is some aspect of us in the
universe, then it surely must be 40 plus billion years . We were conditioned to know that it’s four thousand years. At the rate at which it creates, the way it responds , all its perfection, all summed up to four thousand, No, I disagree.Like the Bible says his thoughts and ways are higher than our ways, and a day to him is like a thousand years. So I can safely say, he might have created the universe in seven thousand years, seven million years, seven billion years. You must really think deep about this ,it’s a mystery that one needs to comprehend in depth. The universe communicates in a universal language, so If you had questions of whether or not it really listens to what we say, of course it does, always.
Within you lies all the wonders of the universe, understand the power that lies within you , that same power you can use to communicate with the Universe. It was designed to listen and and take instructions from us, what you communicate on a daily bases, it gives back .If for example You communicate that You need to travel abroad, that’s the message You communicated, therefore It is not up to you to worry about how that is going to happen, where You will get the finances to travel, it has to conspire everything in your favor to make that happen. Ask, receive and believe, that is how you begin to apply that principle. On the other hand, if you are constantly complaining and worrying, mind that the universe doesn’t know a negative or positive word, it receives what it gets as is, and always submits to its masters instructions, hence if you look around you, know that everything started in your mind and most wascommunicated to the universe through your speech. So yes it listens, it really does, and it responds. Life gives you what you ask of it, its listening.
Everything on earth has a soul, even objects too, it’s important to nourish your spirit and your mind, in that way you are feeding the soul of the universe . Know the laws of nature, the laws that govern the operations of this universe, and all that inhabits it, once you understand, you will know that it is your birth right to be all that you can be hence you will be cautious with your actions and conscious of what comes out of your mouth. All that goes on in nature, occurs under some natural law, every event has a direct physical and understandable cause, nothing just happens coincidentally.
I personally had to put it to the test, I’m certainly sure that the universe is all eyes and ears on me 24/7. I needed proof. I know I’ve been told a thousand times that God love me more than Tom loves jerry.Honestly at times I doubted that,more especially in times of suffering, I’d question Gods love. I remember one day I communicated to the clouds to display a heart for me to prove that I am loved, and I specially communicated that I need that most when I’m troubled, or when I’m in doubt, I just need that assurance that It’s ok, you are loved, and therefore you are cared for Zama, it’s gonna be ok. Did it not come through, four times since that day, and the great part was being able to capture the moment every time. It’s a beautiful feeling knowing that actually the universe really listens to me, it absolutely does. That experience completely transformed me. The images I’ve uploaded are evidence to that.
The universe can provide all that we need if we can really open up to it.
Great content Zama.