Walls of Challenge
In construction, one of the factors of house completion is seen through the way the house is structured, which includes, the solidity and strength of the foundation, the height and width of walls, the placements of door and window frames, the positioning of the house for natural light and for the house to weather against natural disasters and the likes. Even with an open plan, there’s still walls that give the house shape and form. On a daily bases we are constantly up to something, there is always something we are trying to pursue, to achieve certain goals , it’s sort of like the mind has this ultimate goal to achieve, like this certain achievement is the pinnacle of life.If we all knew what’s ahead, if we knew the unknown, we’ all probably be billionaires by now right?, but because we are all born into societies that are structured, and have patterns that have become norms,there is always these barriers and limitations to achieving whatever we have envisioned and set to achieve.I want to highlight some factors that I believe are walls of challenge in today's society.These are the barriers that I will be highlighting: Mental challenges, Religious challenges, Racial challenges, Family challenges, social challenges, financial challenges and environmental challenges.These are all key players to how our reality is shaped.
Mental Challenges
It's true that we all live our lives based on what we believe, on the bases of what we believe about our world, ourselves, our capabilities and limits. So where do beliefs come from and how do they become a challenge as you navigate through life? Well most of what we believe in originates from culture, what family tells us, religion etc, In essence, our capabilities and limits are based on what other people tell us. There is personal beliefs that people carry through out their lives, and stick through their guidelines no matter the
outcome.The truth of the matter is everything is invented,
someone sat down and critically constructed and invented ideas, that later on were adopted into society, which resulted to that idea being a ”belief”. Here are Some typical examples,its believed that people who wear spectacles are intelligent, if you don't go to school you will never amount to anything.Question the Bible, you are antichrist, eat pork? You will be possessed by demons.
outcome.The truth of the matter is everything is invented,
someone sat down and critically constructed and invented ideas, that later on were adopted into society, which resulted to that idea being a ”belief”. Here are Some typical examples,its believed that people who wear spectacles are intelligent, if you don't go to school you will never amount to anything.Question the Bible, you are antichrist, eat pork? You will be possessed by demons.
or if you have dreadlocks, you automatically a druggie, if you are a girl and dress modestly you are kind and have good morals, the opposite might be true,some families are religious, they believe God is the answer to everything,some believe in ritual ceremonies, you are given robes to put on your body, or at birth go through traditional healers, for what we call, ”gugatwa”, I'm not sure what the reason behind that is, but I know they did that to me as a baby.
Some would go to the extent of believing that being in possession of certain ornamenst, oils, some special type of water, will bring luck or protect you from some danger, it's absurd really.
People always praying and waiting for a miracle. That I believe is a driver of lazyness, its killing our people.That mentality is wrong. Put in the work if you seek a positive outcome or financial breakthrough .Money won't just rain from heaven. Food won't put itself on the table.So with that, all these beliefs become engrained in our minds ,they become a societal norm. It then blocks the opportunity to think outside these contexts, I'm sure you can recall so many beliefs your were accustomed to and when you think of their outcomes, really they are worth questioning of their credibility. You come to realise that really most of it is just bullshit,and they just limited you from acquiring some knowledge, acquainting yourself with amazing people or just taking that one risk you’ve always been afraid to take.
Then there is societal norms, it is normal for black people to be in poverty, it is normal to be a single parent, Drug abuse is a norm. We conform because, ” its reality, get used to it”. After that conformity, it becomes harder to break free and try something a different path, we lose so much confidence in our abilities and potential to actually do better and become the best version of ourselves.All these beliefs are limiting the black society from thriving. They are just walls that we really need to destroy and we will actually realize that what lies beyond, is liberating.
My next discussion will be on religious challenges. Stay tuned ❤️
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