Who Am I when no one is watching?. Such a difficult question right. Even more complex when you trying to understand what ” Social conditioning is”. Trying to comprehend what role media has played in shaping what I perceive as ”reality”. The past two weeks I've been analysing the back of a woven picture. Beautifully crafted, the craftsmanship looks complicated though,one line on top of the other, with no clear pattern of how each thread could possibly contribute to making this picture look the way it looks. When you look at the front, you just can't help but admire its beauty. You’d display it in a gallery, or on a wall in your house,have it admired by whoever sets an eye on it. However,How is it that what makes it look beautiful on the exterior looks pretty ugly from the back.Then I made a comparison to my personal pictures, then I pondered.I looked at it from an admirers perspective. They see Beautiful, well dressed. Happy moments, good times, great me...